21 January, 2011

The Fight to Stay Alive (A break from the challenge)

We are broken. We are lost.
We bare the scars of life upon our beating hearts.
We walk with blinded eyes, knowing not where to turn.
We struggle, we try.
We force smiles to hide the pain beneath our worn skin.
We are alone. We feel alone.
We struggle to love, to breathe, to eat.
Constantly searching for what we think is right.
A seemingly never ending journey for happiness.
We fall, we cry, we scream.
And it builds, builds into a mountain of struggle.
A volcano of "what if's" and "what do I do's."
And suddenly it erupts, spreading ashes of lead upon our fragile frames.
And we collapse.
Collapse from the weight of the responsibility.
The weight of the world pressing down upon our already sunken shoulders.
We reach out, desperately trying to grasp onto something real.
Though we find nothing as the ashes cover the light.
Desperate for sun, we fight.
We search, we cry, we fall.
And as quickly as it all fell apart, it begins to build again.
The sun, the light, the love.
Our hopes, our dreams, our drive for better days.
They return.
And we laugh, we love.
We find solstice in the wind, the trees, the grass beneath our feet.
We are strong.
We are broken.
We proudly bare our scars upon our mending hearts.
We are free.

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