19 October, 2010

Society: How it sucks out my soul.

I'm having a hard time dealing with this "growing up" business. The older I get the more things become clear to me. And I don't know if it's just because I'm getting old or if the world is actually getting worse, but this shit is depressing. I've been learning to ignore certain things, and yes sometimes ignorance is bliss, but I feel like I have to or else I'll go completely insane. The amount of selfishness, greed, and cruelty in this world is completely sickening. There are things I've read and heard that have sent my mind into such a complete rage that I have to take a step back and breathe. Things that even my own friends have said that make me so unbelievably angry that I've had to keep my mouth shut on as to not start an argument. I've been raised to feel compassion, and sometimes it's more of a curse than a blessing. I've been raised to be tolerant, but it's hard to be tolerant of intolerance. I try to listen to all sides, I try to understand, but I can't. I can't understand how people can hate things just because they are different. No matter how hard I try, I cannot wrap my head around how people can sleep with all the hateful ignorance floating around in their brains.

99.9% of the general public are sheep. Little wondering lost brainless sheep that follow whomever screams the loudest. And obviously, the loudest one HAS to be correct. No need for useless research to see if what they are screaming is actually the truth. No. That would be a waste of your precious little ignorant time. Research! What an asinine concept. Thinking for yourself? No, that's much to hard. Just follow the herd. Jump on the bandwagon... It's so much easier.

I. CANNOT. Take it anymore. What is wrong with you people? The racists who are so terrified of someones outside appearance that they don't realize that inside we are all exactly the same. The friends and relatives who shun family members because their white daughter is dating a black man, or their Asian daughter is dating a white man. Why? Why is that wrong? Because they have different skin tones? It is 2010 people. It's time to grow out of that racist bullshit and realize that we are all people. We are all human. We all breathe, bleed and die. We all all the same.

And ah, the homophobes. How I want to bash your intolerant faces in. What about love don't you understand? You want to dictate who someone is allowed to LOVE?! We are all human (again, again I must remind you) and despite what reproductive parts we have, we ALL have the capability to love another human being. Is a homosexual hurting you by loving someone of the same sex? I highly doubt it. Are you afraid of being "hit on" by someone of the same sex? Well don't flatter yourself hunny, you probably don't even get hit on by the opposite sex. And if by some chance you DO get hit on, take it as a compliment. That means you're attractive, and doesn't that make your stupid little brain feel good about itself? And why, OH WHY is gay marriage wrong? Please, please someone tell me how this does NOT go against the constitution? And don't you DARE quote the bible to me. That book has no right to be in politics, none (separation of church and state). That book tells you it's okay to kill your son and beat your wife... but "lying with another man is an abomination?!" Abuse? That's cool. Murder? Yeah that's fine. Homosexuality? NO! WRONG! THAS THE DEVIL, MA! No, your book has no affect on me, it should have no affect on you, and it should have absolutely no right to dictate whether or not gay people can get married. ONCE AGAIN, we are ALL HUMAN and we ALL deserve the same rights a privileges despite race, sex, or sexual orien-fucking-tation. HOW HARD IS THIS TO UNDERSTAND?!

And while I don't agree with organized religion, I believe everyone has the right to practice whatever they chose to... INCLUDING Islam. The fact that it was a national debate on whether or not a mosque (not even a damn mosque, it was a center or worship) could be placed NEAR ground zero was completely, completely, COMPLETELY stupid. Anyone who bothered to do just a little bit of research, those of us who did not follow blindly like a brainless sheep, would have seen that there was already a mosque DOWN THE STREET. It was something that should not have been a big deal that was blown WAY out of proportion (thank you conservative news reporting). This was one of those topics that I kept my mouth shut on. I watched on my facebook news feed as certain friends joined groups against the mosque and raged. RAGED. I seriously debated on whether I wanted to associate with these people anymore. I tried to passive aggressively post articles of RESEARCH I did on the topic, but the sheep did not listen. They never listen...

And here I am, cursed with compassion, and I sit here in complete disbelief that there are people who think the way they do. Hate will never disappear no matter how hard we try because the sheep will always follow, and unfortunately, most of those with the loud voices usually spew hate an ignorance to those poor fools. When those of us who have compassion stand up we are often told, no DEMANDED, to sit down. We are told that we are the stupid ones, that we don't know what we're talking about, and it's so completely draining. I try to stand up for what is right, I try so hard, but no one listens. Compassion is just another word for "weak" in the minds of the ignorant. I was once called a "peacenick" like it was a bad thing. Like it was BAD to want there to be peace in the world. I've been attacked for showing compassion towards animals like it was a BAD THING, and I just can't even begin to wrap my head around it.

I will raise my kids with compassion. I will teach them to love their fellow man and all living creatures. I will teach them to form their own opinions based on research and facts, and to never blindly follow anyone... not even me. Many people ask me if I will make my kids be vegetarians because I am, and I won't. I want my kids to make their own life choices, and I will love them no matter what. I can only hope that they will take my teachings of compassion to heart and choose to live that way. I want them to be able to see the beauty in a world that is constantly trying to show you ugliness. Compassion is beautiful. Humans can be beautiful. Nature is beautiful. And despite your views on everything, you deserve to be happy and you deserve to see this happiness. Living in a state of ignorance slowly obstructs your view of this beauty and turns you into a bitter, lonely person. Open your mind. Open your heart and learn to love. Come outside your own world. Come outside yourself and realize that we all have the right to happiness, human and animal. Don't follow blindly, don't believe the loud ones. Do a little research because most of the time it proves the loud ones wrong.

I try not to speak on these subjects often because I know no matter what I say I will most likely not even make a difference, but I can't always just sit idly by and watch as hate devours the earth. I want to make a difference, and I will keep standing up for what I believe in. I will confront hate as it is brought to me, and when the time comes, I will teach my children how to love others. Which is what we should all do. ALL OF US.... Learn how to love unconditionally and spread compassion instead of hate.

Being an adult is overwhelming. Having your eyes opened to how society really is can be completely depressing, and I am having a hard time with it. I'm hoping that in time things will get better, but I have very little faith in our world.


Anonymous said...

I can't agree with you more.

There's little to look forward to as far as the rest of the world is concerned. Though I think that, even though this is really difficult, I think part the best part behind growing up is developing the ability to live your own life, as separate from the rest of the world as you want it. Granted you can't ignore everything, but just the same. You can choose to be vegetarian, you can choose to support this that or the other belief. You can live your own life however you want to live it, and surround yourself with as much beauty as you see fit. The rest of the world may suck, but, I guess in a sense you gotta try to just build your own wall around yourself. Kinda like what you said about your future kids, showing them beauty and letting them chose to live how they want. You've been shown what good and evil there is...now just try to give a right proper middle finger to everyone you think is full of shit and don't let them get in your way!

Just because other people choose to hate and make the world an awful place, doesn't mean you have to let them ruin your world!


Anonymous said...

I wish there was more people like you around.

I've always noticed how most people follow like brainless sheep, but it's become even more apparent in grad school, with most people pretty much obsessed with fitting in or climbing the social ladder - teachers included. With "leaders" acting like that, of course all the little sheep (students) are going to follow suit. No one questions; and if they do, they are too scared to follow through or speak out.

It can get extremely lonely when you are surrounded with people like this, especially when it disgusts you so much. I've tried to look at it from a more compassionate point of view, but, like you said, it's hard to have compassion for such stupidity. Especially when all it does is hurt others and doesn't bring anything positive to any situation. And especially when people who act like this are supposed to be smart.

Thankfully I have found myself a small group of people with the same mindset that we have, and I could not be more thankful for them. They keep me sane, and let me know I'm not the only one who sees these things. If only I could be around them all the time!

Hopefully you find someone with the same characteristics. With the insight and thoughtfulness that you have, it won't be hard to pick them out once you come by them. It's wise to be cautious, but it's also important that you don't let other ass holes harden you to opening up to others.

Good luck!
