10 March, 2011

I am not an adult.

First of all, I'd just like to announce that I am officially on every social networking site ever. Now, don't call me a social networking whore... I'm more of a polygamist, just gatta spread my love around. My newest endeavor is a photo blog I've started up on tumblr. It's more for me than anyone else, just something fun I can look back on years from now. My goal is to post one picture a day that represents the mood of that particular day. So, here it is... if that's something you'd like to check out.

With my birthday quickly approaching, I'm beginning to realize that I am in fact getting older, despite what I like to think in my mind. It feels like just yesterday I was 15 years old and full of angst. But that was just about 10 years ago now, and that realization kind of scares the shit out of me.

Sometimes I feel like an adult. I have a job that I go to for 40 hours a week. I have a 401k (not that I have any idea what I'm doing with it). And every time I have to attend a bridal or baby shower, wedding or child's birthday my age becomes shockingly evident. I'm not trying to say that I'm old or anything, but the fact that I'm old enough to actually attend those things is... horrible.

I don't even look adult. I just bought my first pair of (generic) converse shoes, which I like to pair with my ever-so-trendy plaid shirt and jeans. As I was walking into work after wearing this outfit for the first time, I came to the conclusion that I look like a 16 year old hipster... which then sent me into a slight paranoia thinking that someone is going to call "What Not to Wear" on me for not dressing age appropriate.

I can even fool the general public! I've been carded for rated R movies twice in the past two years (meaning I look younger than 17), and my favorite story: The time I was told I was too young to buy coffee. Ahh, the look of shock on the man's face when I told him I was in fact twenty four years old. In his defense, I am pretty short. I'm only 5'3, which is apparently not adult height. I also still have some trouble with acne, and I rarely wear make up during the week... which must make me look even younger.

And I haven't even mentioned my favorite shows! South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, Robot Chicken, King of the Hill... See the trend? Why yes! They are all cartoons. With the exception of the Travel Channel and Comedy Central, 90% of the things I watch are cartoons. I've also made it a point to see almost every children's movie that comes out into theaters (I just saw How to Train Your Dragon this past weekend). Oh and I'm a pretty big fan of Teen Mom (the original, none of that Teen Mom 2 shit). I am, quite obviously, not an adult.

Yet, I am technically an adult... I'm merely five years away from being 30, where all the things I do, like partying and watching cartoons, stops being okay and starts getting sad with each passing year. And at some point I'll actually have to stop being selfish so I can start that family I want so badly.

When I was barely 18 I had thought that I would be married by 23, and would start having children then. But the closer I got, the less ready for it I was (not to mention the person I thought I was going to marry was out of the picture a few years before I turned 23), and now I'm starting to experience the same thing. Thirty is my cutoff. Thirty is when I start acting like an adult, when I start my family and get married... Settle down if you will. Though with that number getting ever so steadily closer, and my brain still thinking we're in our teens, I'm beginning to realize that I may never actually feel adult. I think subconsciously I must be waiting for this crazy realization, or some profound adult feeling to happen, but I think... I think that's wrong.

I feel the same way about marriage. I'm waiting for some crazy sign to show me that yes, this is the right person... But I also think that's wrong. Someone I had once dated randomly got in contact with me one day and told me he had got married. So obviously I had to ask him the question I ask all my married friends, "How did you know?" His answer is by far my favorite, and went something like this, "I don't think I did. But I knew that I couldn't picture my life without her, and I figured if I was going to take that kind of chance with someone, I wanted it to be with her." I think that may be one of the best pieces of wisdom I've ever received.

While I enjoy acting like a child from time to time, living my life for myself (for the most part), a little part of me longs for the days when I can say I'm a fiance, a wife, a mother. And every time I see on facebook (ahhh social networking) that yet another one of my friends are engaged, someone from high school is married, or someone else is pregnant or has a child, a very small part of me is slightly jealous. Maybe jealous isn't the correct word, because I'm not resentful in the least bit of those people, but it does make me think of what I would do in those situations. It makes me excited for when I too can change my relationship status, post my wedding pictures, and brag about the funny things my child does.

Yet at the same time, when I start thinking about all those things more seriously, I start to question. Am I ready to get married? No. Am I sane enough to have a child? No. Am I content with spending my Friday and Saturday's intoxicated? Yes. Am I okay with not having that huge commitment hanging around my finger? Yes. I guess I'm okay with not being an adult for now. And I guess I'm okay with the notion that I may never completely feel ready to be an adult, even when I am one. So, for now, I will enjoy my relaxing Saturday mornings watching cartoons, and just patiently wait to enter those next chapters of my life.

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