28 August, 2009


Since I found out what exactly a "twitter" was, I have been firmly rooted in my decision that it is pointless. Well, unless you are one of the following: famous or someone who travels around the world. I highly doubt the lot of you care about my existence 24/7, nor would you sit eagerly at your computer screen anticipating my next emotastic status update. Though lately (lately as in February), I have become much to lazy to update this crazy nonsense. I try to half heartedly think of something worth while (and short) to post about but nothing comes to mind, except for a few sentence. So then, in essance, wouldn't my blog become the aweful twitter thing? I cannot allow that to happen, so unfortunately you'll have to read through my rants, or simply click the x, which I'm sure most people do once you get past the first few sentences. I'm guilty of the same thing, so I can't really say much now can I.

I'm not one for updating you on how my day was or anything like that. I like to touch on issues that could potentially spark someone to actually SAY something on my blog, something that might actually stimulate those crazy little brain cells you have there. Though, alas, my brain is empty of anything worth while at the moment. Either that or it's something I don't want to share with the general public.

So soon, my babies, I will have something to say. As for now, this entry has become much too long.

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