17 January, 2011


Day 7 - Talk about your idol and how they influence you.

Well, this is somewhat of a hard topic. I have many different interests which leads me to have quite a few different "idols." Here are the ones I can think of right off the top of my head:

Musical idol #1 - Trent Reznor. I've been in love with this man's music for more than 10 years now, but I never really appreciated the complexity of it until just recently. During the summer I went through a HUGE Nine Inch Nails craze which prompted me to research the band. Doing so only made me respect him all the more. I discovered that he creates many of his sounds by hand with a bunch of random things, and I also learned (maybe I'm a little late to this game) that Nine Inch Nails is his sole creation. He wrote everything. Now, what makes me love him is mostly his style of writing. He has a way of conveying emotions in such a morbid yet beautiful way, something I would like to do myself. And sometimes the things he writes almost seem like he stole them from my own head. He also is active in fighting the greed in the music industry. He was unhappy about how much his particular label charged for his cds, so he voiced his opinion, fought them, and ended up starting his own label where he gives out most of his music for free. He strongly believes in rewarding the fans, who are the people responsible for giving him his career... and to me, that's extremely important. He's smart, he's creative, he's hot, he's driven... He's just amazing.

Musical Idol #2 - Maria Brink. Now, I don't know a whole lot about her, but she is my idol for one reason... That chick can SCREAM. She is the best girl screamer I have ever heard, on top of having a fantastic vocal range. If I could learn one thing, it would be how to scream, and I would only want one teacher... Maria.

Musical Idol #3 - Christina Aguilera. Pop princess status aside, she's probably the best pop vocalist to come out of the 90's. She has an amazing range, a completely beautiful voice, and a body you would brutally murder people for. If I could somehow steal Christina's singing voice, Maria's scream, and Trent Reznor's composing and writing abilities I would probably be the best musician ever. One can dream...

Animal Idol - Jane Goodall. She dedicated her life to understanding animals. Being an animal lover how can I not admire her? I admit, that I don't know a whole lot about her either, but I know she has done a great deal for the animal world. I would love to have done what she did, to observe chimpanzees, and that must have been the best and hardest thing she has ever done. I would absolutely love to meet her.

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