20 January, 2011


Day 10 - A picture of your favorite relative.

Rumor has it, she's my actual mother. Being a single lady at the time, she couldn't handle the idea of having a daughter. So instead of giving me up to live out my days in a foster home, she instead gave me to her sister who raised me as her own. We've maintained the lie, but long ago I started uncovering the truth...

... Okay, this may actually be a lie. Well, it is a lie. I can go no further with these false words, blog readers! The lady pictured above is my aunt. Her name is Donna, and I've mentioned her about a million times on here. It's become a family joke that she's my real mother. We can be so insanely similar that sometimes we even start to question... but that may just be because she has played a very significant role in my life since birth. And in a way she has become my second mother. I even go as far as giving her Mothers Day cards because I feel without her influence, I may not be the person I am today.

Since I was an infant I've been going to her house for sleep overs. She also played the role of babysitter many, many times. She introduced me to feminism and has spent a good chunk of my life raising me to be an independent, strong, smart female... Just like she is. A few years ago she showed me some of the reading material (or propaganda) that she would read to me. One book, Princess Smartypants, was about a young princess who was being forced to choose a suitor. She was content with being by herself (with her pets of course) and had no desire to get married. Instead, she put all of her suitors through grueling tests, ones she knew they would fail, and in the end she chose no one. She didn't need a man to be happy.

My aunt would also try to teach me not to rely on a man in other ways. I once tried to get her to play princess with me. Imitating what I saw in Disney movies (and everything else a young girl pays attention to), I wanted her to be the prince and she was supposed to come and save me. Well, she didn't like this idea. "Why don't I be your best girlfriend and we'll work together to save you!" Apparently, I wasn't all about that. I tried to fight her... I wanted her to be the prince! But she wouldn't budge... and if I remember the story correctly... we ended up playing her way. Looking back on it now, I really respect her for that, and I will be doing the same with my girls (assuming I have any).

She is a wonderful supporter, and has encouraged me to pursue all of the things I may be interested in. Art, acting, music... she was there for all of it. Proudly displaying anything I may have done in her apartment. Even now she (and my wonderful uncle) promote my band as often as possible... They even come to shows when they can. She makes sure I know that she's proud of me...

She has been my teacher, my shopping buddy, therapist, supporter, mother, friend and aunt all at the same time. She has helped me through some of the roughest parts of my life and stood by me even when I was driving everyone crazy. I still turn to her for everything. I don't ever feel like I have to censor myself with her... We can talk about anything and I know she won't judge me for it. She sees me for who I am, no matter what phase or rough patch I may be going through. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without her constant guidance... certainly a life I would never want to live. My life is so, so much better having her in it. I am thankful for her every single day. I'm so lucky to have her... my Antie Donna.

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