I was told to never get into a political debate with friends. Definitely some good advice, but sometimes you just want to stir things up a little bit.
It's no secret that I am one of those tree huggin' liberals. My parents raised me with a democratic mindset, and as I've grown older and done more research I have found that I am pleased with their decision. I'm not extremely political, and I do admit that I don't know a whole lot about politics, but I'm far from being uneducated. If I don't understand something political I research it. The majority of my political research began with this past election. When the candidates were announced for the democratic party I wanted to know what they were all about. My first choice was Al Gore, but unfortunately he wasn't running again. I love him, I love his policies and I think our world would be a better place with him in the white house. But since he wasn't running, Obama was my second choice.
I am a democrat for the following reasons:
1. I hate guns, well no, let me correct myself; I hate that HUMANS use guns. I understand that it is written in the constution that we have the right to bare arms, but god damn. How many people have to die from useless gun violence before we do something? I would support a complete ban of them all together, bust since that wont happen I support the decisions to make the laws more strict.
2. Abortion is MY choice... MINE. What I do with my own body is up to me to decide, not the government.
3. The rich should pay more in taxes than the poor. If you make $500,000 a year while I can barely make it to $30,000, I should not be paying the same amount in taxes as you.
4. Gay MARRIAGE should be legal. It is against the constitution to deny gay and lesbian people the right to marriage. Who the hell are you to get in the way of their happiness? Man and man, woman and woman, either way they are still HUMANS in love.
5. I have had enough of this war and think we should get our troops back home with their families, so we can decrease the amount of tax money going overseas and focus on our issues at home.... like our horrible economy.
The only thing I stand torn on is the death penalty. I feel like killing someone who killed someone else is the easy way out for them. They wont have to sit with themselves and think about what they did everyday, they don't have to be in constant fear of getting raped or shanked in prison... BUT they do get somewhat of a free ride in jail. I have to pay for them to eat and live, when most just deserve to live in a hole in the ground.
So all in all, I support almost all of the major viewpoints of the democratic party. I try to respect everyones views, but in the back of my head... I probably think you're wrong. Facebook has become a huge stage for debating it seems. I've included myself on some of them, but had to stay out of a few. We all would like to think that what we say might actually sway the other persons views, but most of the time, it's completely useless to debate at all. You're stuck in your ways just as I am stuck in mine. But sometimes, it's nice just to be heard.
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I must say I agree with you on everything you said (even though i'm not an obama fan). I promise you though, we shall NEVER get into a political debate. I love you too much, and I feel people get really really angry over it which is kinda dumb. I love you!!!
I feel like if we were to get into a political debate we would be nice to each other because of our love :) People do get waaaayyyy too angry, and I'm good until someone starts insulting me... then it's OOONNN.
Love you!
Agreed! Our love can overcome everything! Lol
Sam, you should really take a look at England in reference to #1. They actually have banned civilian ownership of firearms. Sounds good on paper, right? Right.
Well, in reality, it's not such a good thing. Crime rates (such as muggings and home invasions) are much much higher per capita after the weapons ban. Why? Because criminals can still get guns illegally...."when you outlaw the guns, ONLY the outlaws have guns."
Basically, a would be thief is more inclined to rob someone in England because they know to a fair degree of certainty that their victim will have no means to defend themselves against a gun.
When you ask convicted burglars here in the US what their #1 fear is when robbing a home, the answer is almost always "that the owner is home and has a gun."
Since that fear is not a factor in places such as England, thieves are more brazen and bold, and very likely to be armed with an illegal firearm while you are not.
I admire your compassion in the sense that you don't like to see people victimized by gun violence, but banning firearms from law-abiding citizens just drives the market underground, where things such as safety standards for weapon distribution and production do not apply. Prohibition of any kind never solves anything.
I definitely agree with you, Dave. Very good point! In an ideal world, I'd like it if there were no guns. And I do know that prohibition doesn't ever solve anything... So since there is no such thing as an "ideal world" enforcing more rules and regulations for the ownership of guns, I believe, would be the best route to go.
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