Oh hello blogger blog! I'm sorry I abandoned you. I left you for a younger, more hip blog hosting site, but I must admit... I felt compelled to come back to you. I'm a sucker for your old ways and familiar... typing... space? Thank you for welcoming me back into your loving, google arms.
Much has happened since I last posted here. I still have and update my tumblr blogs (my photo and "personal" blog, which has basically become just a place for reblogging pictures and quotes) so if anyone is actually still reading this and you feel compelled to check out my other shit... feel free. But I will actually be updating this blog again. I want to say regularly, but we all know it probably wont be.
I am currently still adjusting to normal life. I took a much needed 2 week vacation, and today marks day 4 of normal work/real world humdrum bullshit. A week ago from today I was sitting in an airplane making my way to Baltimore. Two weeks ago today I was probably getting ready to head to the San Diego Zoo to embark on a 9 and a half hour quest to see the park in its entirety. But today, I am sitting in my cubicle, staring at an ad that I may or may not start at some point before I leave today.
Obviously, I miss vacation. In just 10 days my sister, friend, boyfriend and I saw almost the entire state of California. I wont bore you with every little detail, but I can tell you of the things we saw in just one sentence: The Golden Nugget, Las Vegas, Fremont Street, Escondido, the San Diego Zoo, a whole lot of nothing and farms in mid California, the Pacific Ocean, Walnut Creek, San Fransisco, a Stone Temple Pilots show (briefly from a hill in San Fran), The Winchester Mystery House, Sequoia National Park, The General Sherman Tree, Morrow Rock, Fresno, Calico Ghost Town, Barstow, Route 66, vampire boobs, The Stratosphere, and many west coast sunsets. It was an amazing adventure. One that I am so happy to have been a part of.
However, I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't a little relieved to be home. The trip was amazing, but also very stressful at times. Flying, flying was the worst. Not even the actual act of flying, but not knowing which plane you're going to make it on or whether or not you'll even get home in a timely manner is probably one of the most anxiety inducing things I've ever done. Landing in Manchester was extremely bittersweet. It meant the end of my carefree vacation days, but it also meant I was home.
It's funny that everywhere we went I was always searching for that "home feeling." While in the midst of the desert that feeling was nowhere to be found, but as we headed north and the trees became more green and abundant I definitely felt it. San Fransisco, while still foreign to me, still felt the most like home. The weather changed from warm, sunny and happy to gray, cold and dreary in almost an instant, something most New Englander's can relate to. We stayed in Walnut Creek which was about a 15 minute drive from the city, and the whole time the feelings were similar to those I feel when I'm around the Boston area. It was nice to feel that little bit of home.
I always talk about how sick I am of the same old place, the same old things, but a strange thing overcame me as I spent my first night back on the east coast. I felt appreciative for things I had never before appreciated. It was nice to get into my own car, drive down familiar roads to stores I know the layout to, and to actually cook my own meal. It was like I needed those few weeks of unfamiliar chaos to really appreciate this place I call home.
I am not, however, excited to be back at work. Making money is wonderful and extremely needed right now (recovering from this trip is going to take a little while), but the whole real world cubicle thing... I would never miss. I felt somewhat refreshed my first day back, did lots of work, but it took all of two days for me to remember how much I hate everything that has to do with this job.
So, that being said, I'm currently all enrolled and (almost) ready to go for college part III. In January I will be going back to finish up my Elementary Education degree. I'm extremely excited and nervous all at the same time. I am not looking forward to tests and homework and papers, but I am very, VERY much looking forward to my impending career change. Graphic design, it's been... interesting, but there is no way in HELL I will be doing you for the rest of my life (giggity).
And that is basically what has been happening since I last blogged here. I don't usually do the whole "updates on me" thing, so don't you worry, I'll go back to the "updates on feeling and rants" as soon as possible.
It's good to be home... but I do rather miss you west coast.
01 September, 2011
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