You will never, ever be liked by everyone. There will always be at least one person who doesn't like you. You just can't please everyone.
One day you and everyone you know will die. There's really nothing you can do about it. It's a natural part of life as terrifying as it may be to some (myself included), but this is a grim reality that we all will have to face at some point in time.
Not everyone is going to agree with you. If someone is set in their ways, no amount of debating or presented facts will change their minds. 99.9% of us are stubborn little assholes, so sometimes it's best to pick your battles and know when to stop.
There is no such thing as "happily ever after." Unless someone can give me hardcore proof of someone being happy ALL the time (really happy, not faking it), then I stand by this statement. Suffering and pain is also a natural part of life. It's something you have to learn how to deal with. Happiness won't be around all the time, but it always returns. Always. No matter how much you think it wont.
There is no such thing as the "perfect" relationship. Every relationship has its ups and downs. If you're reading this and disagreeing with me... you are one of the following: A. You're in a brand new relationship. I like to refer to this as the "honeymoon period." Don't worry, things will get normal soon enough. B. You're in denial. Something is not right, or someone is lying. Fighting and disagreements happen. It comes with the territory of sharing your life with someone. You won't agree on everything, and at some point in time your significant other is going to piss you right the fuck off, but you know what? It's normal. Normal relationships require work. That's just how it is.
No matter what you do you can never go back and correct something in your past. I don't know how many times I've wished, PLEADED to whomever controls my life, to just this once let me go back and correct a mistake I've made. But no matter how hard I tried, it never happened. You have to learn to live with your mistakes and move forward. You cannot fully live in the present if you are stuck in your past.
These are just a few things that I feel if I admit to the general public, it may be easier for me to deal with and accept in my own life. Feel free to add more...
20 September, 2010
08 September, 2010
I keep my secrets safe.
I am absolutely in love with Post Secret. The idea is brilliant. It gives people an anonymous outlet to release their inner most thoughts. Frank Warren, the creator, has saved and helped so many people just by allowing them to share their pain, frustrations or anomalies. Such a simple, simple idea... but an amazing one.
I read the Sunday Secrets every week, and I almost own all the books. And like the baby I am, I sometimes am almost (and sometimes actually) brought to tears. I put myself in those peoples situations and imagine what it must be like. Sometimes I read secrets that must have been ripped from my own brain. But I think what upsets me the most is that I can't help anyone. I can't be there for the people that need someone. I can't offer my advice on how I've dealt with a similar pain.
I don't know what compels me to want to fix everything, to comfort everyone. Up until recently I would always offer my shoulder to cry on, my inbox to vent to, to everyone... even people I barely even knew... Not because I'm nosey, but because if I can be that ONE person that makes a difference for someone battling something in their life it would mean the world to me. But as stated in previous entries, I've become more shut up and bitter in the past few years. I've actually stopped myself from offering out this help to just anyone and have saved it for just those who remain extremely close to me, or who have reciprocated that feeling of compassion towards me in the past. I feel as if more often than not, my compassion is taken advantage of. So I tend to pick and choose who I try to help.
I've always wanted to do something close to Post Secret... but mostly I'm basing this desire off the feeling of anonymity. It's sad that you will never really know someone, truly know them. People are so concerned with their image and what other people think that they can't fully express themselves unless they are hidden by that anonymous mask. You will never, ever know what is really inside the head of anyone, ever... Even honest people tend to mask things. I'm pretty honest and open, but I, much like the rest of the world, have a handful of truths that I can barely admit to myself let alone the general public. If there wasn't so much hate in this world, if people weren't so sensitive (myself ABSOLUTELY included), then maybe people could show everyone else who they really are.
(And now it's time for me to move to job #2... perhaps I will elaborate on this more later. Sorry if it seems to end so abruptly!)
If you read this feel free to leave your own anonymous comment. There's an option to do so. I'd love to know the real you.
I read the Sunday Secrets every week, and I almost own all the books. And like the baby I am, I sometimes am almost (and sometimes actually) brought to tears. I put myself in those peoples situations and imagine what it must be like. Sometimes I read secrets that must have been ripped from my own brain. But I think what upsets me the most is that I can't help anyone. I can't be there for the people that need someone. I can't offer my advice on how I've dealt with a similar pain.
I don't know what compels me to want to fix everything, to comfort everyone. Up until recently I would always offer my shoulder to cry on, my inbox to vent to, to everyone... even people I barely even knew... Not because I'm nosey, but because if I can be that ONE person that makes a difference for someone battling something in their life it would mean the world to me. But as stated in previous entries, I've become more shut up and bitter in the past few years. I've actually stopped myself from offering out this help to just anyone and have saved it for just those who remain extremely close to me, or who have reciprocated that feeling of compassion towards me in the past. I feel as if more often than not, my compassion is taken advantage of. So I tend to pick and choose who I try to help.
I've always wanted to do something close to Post Secret... but mostly I'm basing this desire off the feeling of anonymity. It's sad that you will never really know someone, truly know them. People are so concerned with their image and what other people think that they can't fully express themselves unless they are hidden by that anonymous mask. You will never, ever know what is really inside the head of anyone, ever... Even honest people tend to mask things. I'm pretty honest and open, but I, much like the rest of the world, have a handful of truths that I can barely admit to myself let alone the general public. If there wasn't so much hate in this world, if people weren't so sensitive (myself ABSOLUTELY included), then maybe people could show everyone else who they really are.
(And now it's time for me to move to job #2... perhaps I will elaborate on this more later. Sorry if it seems to end so abruptly!)
If you read this feel free to leave your own anonymous comment. There's an option to do so. I'd love to know the real you.
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